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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Awesome in the Form of Soundwaves

Ok, so I'm about to venture into blogging suicide. The topic of music. Yes my fellow readers, I will tell you my favorite artists. But don't worry, I'm wearing body armor, so I should survive the first onslaught of hate or criticism towards my music style. I will share my two favorite artists. Ok, here it goes. I'll say it. Here we go. OK OK.
1. The Script
2. Rob Thomas
Both are pure genius. Uh oh here it comes. Where's my shotgun?

Meanwhile, in another region of my brain, I have surfed the interwebs on my very trusty board, Google. I came across a rather funny article, which has a few interesting points on the fine tunes of blogging. I recommend dropping everything and reading it, or you may find yourself in the bottom of a well, or an elephant.

So I was sitting here writing, just like this, yes like this, no not like that, like this. Ok, never mind. So I was sitting here typing like this (don't start with me) and I wasn't sure what to write. So I thought to myself, I would write that I didn't know what to write while speaking out loud. This was followed promptly with a pain in my brain and according to T, a tidal wave. Hmmm, not sure about that.

So, if blogging is really this much effort, then why do it? Well, it sure as hell beats playing Band Hero on extreme with absolutely no chance of passing, while T struggles on the drums on easy. I mean, I always have to save him. I'm holding this band up! Ok, sorry got a little off topic.

Onto the subject of subjects. Why are they so elusive? Huh? It may be obvious to you, the reader who I assume has had a bowel movement before, that I am running out of things to say. This may be because I am bored as hell and this is really the only 'fun' (as much fun as this can be) thing to do. So I leave you, to posts like this, and hyper-galactic space colons ridding the world of exclamation marks. (!) ((Double Bracket Power) It's good to have a human spell check. Normal spell check sucks, and apparently I spelt spell check wrong.) Does the word spelt sound weird to you?


Hannah Montana: Taking Over The World

Burritos Should Be illegal In Puerto Rico. because if most of the population eat burritos, McDonald's will get sad and so will that clown they have as a mascot, cause they couldn't sell big macs due to the fact that everyone in Puerto Rico eat burritos.

Anyway, the other day I heard two sayings: 1. "Revenge is a dish best served cold."
2. "Revenge is sweet" and when I put them together i thought: ICE - CREAM. But is ice cream sweet and cold? Yes. There's no argument about and people who would rather have there ice -cream warm and sour or bitter, you my friend(s), have a serious problem, unless your lactose intolerant, then you're OK, but I feel bad, because would that mean your allergic to cows, or just the milk and stuff that come out of cows? So, if you had to eat chocolate, would you have to have soy milk in the chocolate, so wouldn't it be called: soy chocolate?

Miley Cyrus, world sensation, and pop star, the 17 year old girl who just has to put on a wig to be someone else, I mean, just because you think you're someone else doesn't make that true, I mean, sooner or later kids are going to find out it's a wig. Hannah Montana's face is on EVERYTHING. Cups, shirts, mouse pads, everything you can think of, her face is on it. Sooner or later she's gonna have her face on toilet paper, and billboards all over the world will have to say: WIPE YOUR ASS WITH MY FACE! And then what do you see? Kids aged 7 - 10 framing toilet paper and hanging it up in there rooms just because it has Hannah Montana's face on it. Get a grip Hannah, and you too Miley you schizophrenic weirdo.

T...(Mr. Awesome)


Water is wet. And that's a fact. Don't try to argue or we'll throw water in your face to prove it. Anyway, you are fat. And don't try to sugar coat it or you'll eat that too. You can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter!

Ok, sorry, sorry we are just tired and have nothing really to say. But that doesn't make sense on account of the previous paragraph. So even though we don't have anything to say, we do. This is confusing. My brain hurts. I think I'll go lie down. Or have a peanut butter jam sandwich.

Notice how I started off writing 'we' and then changed it to 'I'. Man, T is so obsessed with my iPod dock. I wish he would leave. He's so weird. I'm not quite sure if he is a he. I will now refer to T as a she. Hey, that rhymes. OK, now I'm just rambling. I'm pretty much writing anything that comes into my brain. T will not get any credit for this coz I wrote it all!!! I think I'll stop before I stab someone.

On a different note, check this blog out, it's hilarious: http://itworksifyouplugitin.blogspot.com/
Help us spread the word of our blog! Tell your friends!


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Friend is Hard to Spell

Friendship is like peeing your pants. Everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth. Is this really true? I mean, at first pee is warm, but it becomes cold really quick. Is that how friends work? Don't ask how I know the physics behind pissing yourself.

And now onto something we all love. PEANUT BUTTER AND JAM. Or jelly in the USA. Everyone loves it. It's something we like to call in the industry 'a rattatack'. Ok no they don't I just made that up. But seriously, I love PB&J. As much as I love it, I don't understand why it says "Never oily, never dry." But it IS oily and it IS dry. Why would you lie to us Kraft, why? I trusted you! Who knows, maybe they are planning to write CORNFLAKES on each molecule of Peanut Butter. But that wouldn't make sense.

Well, T and I are new to this blogging thing, and so.. well I just though I'd point that out. Have mercy inter-web surfers. And with that, I shall now go and make legends food (the stuff that Will Smith eats. And occasionally Shining Monkey.) A Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich. I'm hungry.


Gotta Wait For Ke$ha

Ke$ha. Famous artist, known for her (s)hit single - Tik Tok. Just a few questions for you Ke$ha:

1. In the song, at the start, you wake up and feel like P.Diddy: HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FEEL LIKE P. DIDDY?

2. After you say you feel like P. Diddy, P. Diddy says: "hey what's up girl"...: WHAT THE HELL IS P.DIDDY DOING IN YOUR ROOM? Is the word P. Diddy starting to sound weird to you?

3. What's up with the ----->$<--- in Ke$ha?

4. Why does the party only start when you walk in? Someone's self centered...

I hope, if not Ke$ha, that someone can answer me these questions...


Taking Over the World Isn't Easy

It isn't. Trust me, I've tried. Somehow, I don't think standing outside your house telling people to obey you works. I did get one kid to give me a dollar. Does that count? Really, I think the only way to take over the world is to buy the Internet. I will buy the Internet from God. Or eBay. Whatevers' cheaper. Spell check just told me to change whatever to Whitewater so I feel obliged just to include that word. Hey, it might be lonely.

The news has been strange lately. Here in the scorching temperatures of Australia, the air cons have been working in overdrive. The news reports about fire warnings and the extreme heat. To an extent. It seems that the Australian media is more focused on the weather overseas rather than here. Yeah, I get the fact that people are freezing, and it's hilarious to watch heaps of footage of people falling over the ice, but what about OUR WEATHER? It has feelings too. The Sun is trying his best to annoy the hell out of us and start fires, while we laugh at people falling over ice. Okay, maybe I prefer it this way.


T's First Written Expression


Is that good enough?
Ok, ok in all seriousness I refer to myself as T while M refers to himself as SuperHumanMarioOffspringCapableOfExtendedBaseJumping. But we'll call him M.

Now, here is a reason why not to wear masks. While dancing. And singing. Or anything else for that matter. If you look closely, you'll see that the TV is on the food channel, that might explain the belly jiggling <-----> is that how u spell it? Anyway, onto the subject of cornflakes. I heard the company got pissed at other brands of corn based flakes manufacturer's, so they're gonna write the KELLOGG'S symbol on each little flake in the cereal box. for me that's crazy, cuz... well, it just is. I'm not going to go into a complete argument about it, but, its still crazy.


The Story of a Legend

You may be wondering, why the hell you opened this website. Well, maybe you're a freak. You are lucky though, to have stumbled across such a wonder. We are about to explain the story of the legend, the hero; the SHINING MONKEY.

It all began, on a calm, summer night, when one of us decided to entertain the other with an amusing story. It was the story of a Shining Monkey. A monkey so great, it could shoot the Earth, kill it, and perform CPR to save its life. This monkey contradicted itself in a way that the world has never seen before. This story continued until T had to receive CPR from the Shining Monkey as he was laughing so hard.

You're probably wondering why you are still here. Or maybe not. Or maybe so. Either way, we hate spellcheck.