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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Story of a Legend

You may be wondering, why the hell you opened this website. Well, maybe you're a freak. You are lucky though, to have stumbled across such a wonder. We are about to explain the story of the legend, the hero; the SHINING MONKEY.

It all began, on a calm, summer night, when one of us decided to entertain the other with an amusing story. It was the story of a Shining Monkey. A monkey so great, it could shoot the Earth, kill it, and perform CPR to save its life. This monkey contradicted itself in a way that the world has never seen before. This story continued until T had to receive CPR from the Shining Monkey as he was laughing so hard.

You're probably wondering why you are still here. Or maybe not. Or maybe so. Either way, we hate spellcheck.


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