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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Water is wet. And that's a fact. Don't try to argue or we'll throw water in your face to prove it. Anyway, you are fat. And don't try to sugar coat it or you'll eat that too. You can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter!

Ok, sorry, sorry we are just tired and have nothing really to say. But that doesn't make sense on account of the previous paragraph. So even though we don't have anything to say, we do. This is confusing. My brain hurts. I think I'll go lie down. Or have a peanut butter jam sandwich.

Notice how I started off writing 'we' and then changed it to 'I'. Man, T is so obsessed with my iPod dock. I wish he would leave. He's so weird. I'm not quite sure if he is a he. I will now refer to T as a she. Hey, that rhymes. OK, now I'm just rambling. I'm pretty much writing anything that comes into my brain. T will not get any credit for this coz I wrote it all!!! I think I'll stop before I stab someone.

On a different note, check this blog out, it's hilarious: http://itworksifyouplugitin.blogspot.com/
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