It isn't. Trust me, I've tried. Somehow, I don't think standing outside your house telling people to obey you works. I did get one kid to give me a dollar. Does that count? Really, I think the only way to take over the world is to buy the Internet. I will buy the Internet from God. Or eBay. Whatevers' cheaper. Spell check just told me to change whatever to Whitewater so I feel obliged just to include that word. Hey, it might be lonely.
The news has been strange lately. Here in the scorching temperatures of Australia, the air cons have been working in overdrive. The news reports about fire warnings and the extreme heat. To an extent. It seems that the Australian media is more focused on the weather overseas rather than here. Yeah, I get the fact that people are freezing, and it's hilarious to watch heaps of footage of people falling over the ice, but what about OUR WEATHER? It has feelings too. The Sun is trying his best to annoy the hell out of us and start fires, while we laugh at people falling over ice. Okay, maybe I prefer it this way.
10 years ago
"I think the only way to take over the world is to buy the internet" Freakin' hillarious!!!! :)